From Vaccines to Surgery: A Vet BlogFrom Vaccines to Surgery: A Vet Blog

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From Vaccines to Surgery: A Vet Blog

If you think about it, it's truly amazing how many different procedures vets are able to perform. They can do everything from administering vaccines to repairing torn tendons. Of course there are some vets who specialize in certain types of procedures, but there are also some really amazing generalist veterinarians who do a great job with a wide range of care. They care about their patients and about their patients' owners. You can learn more about veterinarians on this website. We really appreciate the work that vets do to keep our pets healthy, and we assume most of our readers feel the same way.


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3 Things To Know About Pet Dental Care

Animals such as dogs and cats can encounter a variety of dental issues that can affect their ability to chew and their overall well-being. Fortunately, you can help your pet maintain a healthy mouth by scheduling routine pet dental care. Keep the following three points in mind if you want to optimize your pet's dental wellness.

1. Pets Can Develop a Variety of Dental Problems

Pets can easily sustain damage to their teeth, especially since they use their mouths to pick up and carry all kinds of objects. A cracked or broken tooth can cause considerable pain, make chewing impossible, and make your pet vulnerable to dangerous bacterial infections. A cavity in a tooth can produce the same results.

Periodontal disease poses the most common threat to a pet's dental health. As plaque and tartar support harmful oral bacteria, immune reactions cause destructive gum inflammation that may lead to tooth loss. Oral cancer presents another (and in this case, potentially deadly) threat to some animals.

2. Veterinarians Can Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent Dental Issues

Routine veterinary wellness exams typically include dental checkups. Your veterinarian will examine the teeth and gums for any signs of damage or disease. Severely damaged or diseased teeth may call for extraction. Examination of the oral cavity can reveal any cancer that might require immediate treatment.

Wellness exams don't just allow for early diagnosis and treatment of existing dental problems; they can also prevent future dental problems. Your veterinarian can include a deep cleaning of your pet's teeth to remove accumulated tartar. This procedure can minimize the bacterial infiltration that triggers periodontal disease.

3. Home Dental Care Can Support a Healthy Mouth

In addition to regularly scheduled checkups and cleanings, your pet's teeth can benefit from home dental care between veterinary appointments. Ask your veterinarian to show you how to brush your pet's teeth with the proper kinds of toothpaste and equipment. Regular tooth brushing can remove plaque before it turns into tartar.

You can enhance the effectiveness of regular tooth brushing with other smart dental hygiene options. For instance, pet foods and chews can help reduce tartar buildup on teeth. An antibacterial oral rinse can protect your pet's dental health if you have trouble brushing or you just want to give your pet's teeth and gums extra protection.

Good dental health can help your pet enjoy a longer, healthier, more comfortable life. Contact your local veterinary clinic to schedule the necessary pet dental care services.